When Suzi, our Office Manager, suggested we provide a weekly fruit bowl for our Head Office team little did we know it would benefit so many people outside of our office....
"When I first suggested the fruit bowl gesture internally it quickly snowballed to an idea that everyone seemed to embrace. It was suggested that we use an honesty box and people give as little or as much as they want for the fruit they take and that this would then be given to a selected charity"
Suzi Thistleton, Office Manager
We decided that we would raise money for a number of smaller charities throughout the year and would look to identify important causes in the local communities of the towns and cities where we supply our services.
By chance we had received an email on the same week from Kerry Lenton of the Woodlands Academy so we were quick to engage with her and see what we could do to help. Kerry gave us a real insight into her role and organisation alongside some ideas of what we could do to help, from the options given we decided to raise enough money to help fund a supervised swimming lesson for some of the children at the academy.
Pictured is Area Manager Jack Coyne visiting the academy and making our donation.